As a Muse, it is my absolute mission to inspire every single person I come into contact with. From the homeless man in Venice
To the CEO and Celebrity that reaches out to work together.
From my blood sisters when they need help with childcare
To my Soul Sisters when they want a friend to go on a hike with.
Inspiration is a quality that both lives within you and is gifted to others through you.
So when Pandemic hit
and a lot of life was changed
I noticed myself frustrated
How would I walk down the street smelling flowers
and inspiring passerby's with a big smile
giggling with kids in carraiges
and making friends with the local pups and their owners? Life is complicated
so I try to my best to keep it simple
and sexy, of course.
Pandemic Poetry was a way that I got through
some of the more challenging days
writing a Poem
to the Ocean
To clients
To friends
in order to make the days more amusing.
Art has a way of gifting your mind
with a special kind of freedom,
like the way softly gazing into the infinity
of the bright blue sky does..
Pandemic Poetry started off rather gloomy
Satire invented to lament the days of dance parties
and international travel
and since has turned into
inspiring musings
filled with new stories of adventures in natures
new ways of giving yoga classes online
and little whispers of sweet nothings for the bold clients I'm so blessed
to still get to see
(even if it is online)
Rather than take the Pandemic so Poorly,
I notice a new opportunity to rise
and use this time wisely
to soar into the self
Find Peace
and pleasure
Through the s-l-o-w-i-n-g down process
of society.
Pandemic Poetry
A way to lounge in lingerie
while reading up on herbalism
and making sure that the cookies
don't burn in the oven
What a new way to live life.
With more space between stimulus and reaction
and more time to dream
into the infinite possibilities.
Tell me then,
what is it you desire?
What do you dream about? How can you use this time wisely..
To create what feels good in your heart.
Perhaps that might mean
coming in to see me
and getting messy
while we make art.
In silliness,